SMP Tech, Inc. is experienced in putting together
current technological resources and coupling them with the appropriate
skills to produce high-quality, low-cost products in accelerated
time frames. During an initial discussion with SMP Tech, Inc., we
will meet with members of your firm to give you the opportunity
to evaluate our capabilities with respect to your areas of need.
Design Exploration:
The development of a new product requires the talents of many
people coupled with the utilization of many resources. A company
often overlooks the fact that they cannot cost-effectively do
everything to the quality level required when introducing today's
high-tech products. All patent, copy or other rights pertaining
to inventions, developments, or improvements made during your
program are your property. Records, drawings, prototypes and finished
models are also yours.
SMP uses first principle analysis tools to quickly determine the
significant parameters that need to be investigated using FEA
software. At your invitation, SMP Tech, Inc. will prepare a project
plan for your review and acceptance. This plan will include background,
objectives, a planned sequence of activities and an estimated
schedule with costs.
For Additional
Information Contact SMP Tech, Inc. at:
9110 Union Park Way, Suite 102, Elk Grovel, California 95624
Phone: 408-776-7776